10 January 2024 | Dishonest Reporting
New Yorker staff writer Isaac Chotner earned bonus hasbara points on 3 January 2024 by getting an article published, “Gaza is starving”, that cleverly avoids any mention of the perpetrator—Israel in 2,000 words. A month before this article, on 7 December 2023, a Human Rights Watch press release had asserted that “The Israeli government is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the Gaza Strip, which is a war crime.”
9 January 2024 | Dishonest Reporting, Featured, Israeli Propaganda
Today, on 9 January 2024, COGAT turned up the dial on its gaslighting stove to the very highest setting. Knowing that all the aid Israel has permitted to enter has averaged 76 trucks a day since October 7th, COGAT’s social media team cooked up a 1-minute video featuring spokeswoman Shani Sasson, introduced with the obviously false claim that, “Before the war, an average of 70 food trucks entered Gaza every day. The average last week was 109.”
29 December 2023 | Dishonest Reporting
Who, What, Where, When, Why? The five W’s of writing, the five questions that good journalists seek to answer in every report. What has happened with the BBC News?
27 December 2023 | Dishonest Reporting
I just feel really dumb having to write this because the level of Israel propaganda is pathetic but its useful idiots keep spreading it, so here we are. The latest trope comes from this picture of a HAMAS tunnel entrance.
26 December 2023 | Dishonest Reporting
Since November 2019, when this feature rolled out, Twitter/X has allowed accounts to hide any replies they don’t like from all the other users on Twitter. Clicking on the icon does work and you see the hidden replies but did you know about this four-year-old Twitter feature? If not, how many replies to a tweet that the tweeter simply didn’t like have you missed?
25 December 2023 | Dishonest Reporting
One of the challenges during Israel’s obvious and blatant genocide of Gazans has been access from concerned global citizens to on the ground information, directly from Gaza.