Al-Shifa Special Surgery Building – Before & After (Nov 8th & April 1st)
Overviews of destruction and eyewitness reports.
Raw panorama video of the Al-Shifa Hospital Complex destruction
Dr. Mads Gilbert: Background on Al-Shifa and the latest news about the hospital from his colleagues on the ground in Gaza
Al-Jazeera writes in the video’s description:
Norwegian physician Dr Mads Gilbert, who has spent extensive time working in Gaza, including at al-Shifa hospital, says the siege of the facility has destroyed its legacy. “The Israeli occupation forces this night have ended 78 years of brave medical history,” Gilbert told Al Jazeera, speaking from Tromso, Norway.
The hospital was built in 1946 and was the most important flagship hospital for the healthcare for people in Gaza, he said. “This is such a sad day, I’ve been weeping all morning.”
Meanwhile, the fate of the 107 critical patients who were moved two days ago to an old part of the medical complex remains unknown, Gilbert said. People are now searching for corpses at the site, finding “the most horrible decomposed corpses with maggots coming out of the eyes”.
“The maggots that are creeping out of the corpses in al-Shifa Hospital now are really maggots coming out of the eyes of President Biden and the EU leaders doing nothing to stop this horrible, horrible genocide,” the physician said.
Inside Al-Shifa: Destruction, Evidence of executions, zip-tied corpses, bodies buried by bulldozers – Reports from Associated Press and Al-Jazeera
Al-Shifa – Five months of Israeli propaganda in preparation
Commentary on social media
Scottish OG from the time of the First Intifada and the birth of the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people • Former Friends of Birzeit University Coordinator • Former Birzeit University Public Relations Officer • Cofounder and Editor of the original Electronic Intifada website • Creator of countless websites for pro-Palestinian organizations around the world via